Let's be reminded of what Prince William of England (Late Princess Diana's son), spoke years ago on his desire to be a modern day king someday! He said:

All these questions about, do you want to be king? It is not a question of wanting to be! It's something I was born into and it's my duty and destiny to rule. I have no choice.

The glory of this write-up is on the fact that Romans 5:17 declares:

For one man's offence death reigned by one, (Adam) much more, they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one; Jesus Christ.

You may not be a prince or princess by birth, naturalization or marriage, but your Creator says because His Son died for you, you must rule in life and ministry! Halleluyah! From the facts of Relevation 1:6 and Romans 5:17, you are a king. IT IS KINGS THAT RULE!images (2).jpg


It's an eternal fact settled before you were born, that you are a king! God CANNOT LIE Revelation 1:6 says:

And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father....

Declare aloud right now: "I am Born Again! I may not feel it or look it, but I am a king and a priest of the Most High God! It's not whether I want it or not, it is my destiny! It is my duty! I will not allow problems to rule over me again. No! I shall arise and take my position by the Right Hand of God the Father and rule over the affairs of my life, family and ministry! This is my day to exercise my kingship authority over sicknesses, suicide spirit, self-pity, depression, poverty, lack, confusion, anxiety, low self-esteem, etc. This is the day to rule by the Word of God! I shall not be the victim of life again! I am the victor! I take back my lost authority, peace, holiness, favour, marital settlement, marital peace, career promotion, business growth, financial open doors by force. I belong to the royal family of heaven! From this day, I shall carry that banner! From this day i drop the banner of tears, confusion and demotion! Yes, I shall reign in life and win! So help me God"

You are not a nobody! Think like a king! Act like a king! Talk like a king! Pray like a priest! Start grooming yourself for your life ahead. Very soon, men will hear you because heaven will announce you and wipe your tears! **No problem is too large for God's intervention and no person is too small for God's attention! Something good is about to happen!

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