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There is no shortcut to the throne if you must be great in life. Great stars attract long journeys and long journeys prepare a great star. You must pass through your cross before your throne. Whatever you go through is your cross. Your trial period is your cross. Every destiny has a cross to carry but the longer the cross, the greater the star. In a world of quick-fixes and fast foods, fast trains, instant coffee, instant goggle search, etc, you must never forget that some miracles take time while others are instant.

Abraham waited for Isaac for 25 years but his prayer concerning his cousin was INSTANT. Jesus turned water into wine (INSTANT and FAST) but He had to heal a blind man TWICE. Oh, you must know what the mind of God concerning that urgent and burning prayer point. Also don't forget that Ishmael was the product of AN INSTANT MIRACLE OUTSIDE GOD'S WILL. Joseph was passed through 17 YEARS of pain and pangs to prepare him for the throne.

Some battles today confronting you are your "17 YEARS" before your throne! That is why you must NEVER give up now! Joseph could have slept with his master's wife and become rich and prosperous but he could never be powerful and famous in Egpty again. But because he waited, he later became more famous than his former boss (Potiphar) and his boss' wife (Potiphas's wife). Oh, declare with md now:

"My father in heaven; you that created my destiny right from my mother's womb, do not allow any shortcut to waste my destiny. Do not allow any shortcut to cause pain for me tomorrow".

Close with Steve Maraboli: *"You are not a victim. No matter what you have been through, you're still here. You may have been challenged, hurt, betrayed, beaten, and discouraged, but nothing has defeated you. You are still here! You have been delayed, but not denied. You are not a victim, you are a victor." Yes! No matter what is happening, determine to wait on your God! Hurry can produce sorry! See you at the top.


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