
The Bible never explicitly says who Jesus adored, but it does say that Jesus glorified God (John 17: 1, 4), which is closely related to worship. In fact, like God himself, Jesus deserves our worship (see Matthew 2: 2 and John 20:28).
In general, nobody loves a religion, rather a religion teaches who we should worship. For example, Muslims do not worship Islam, but Allah who Islam teaches. In the same way, Jesus did not worship a religion, but rather the eternal God. Let's explore this a bit more.
Jesus was born as a Jew (Matthew 1: 1-17, Gal 4: 4 and John 4:22), and as such, from a perspective of Jesus' humanity, he was related to God through the law that Moses gave in the Old Testament (Gal 4: 4). Up to that point, he did not worship Judaism, rather he worshiped the God of Judaism, that is, that God who revealed Himself in the Exodus as "I AM" or "JHWH" (usually written in English Bibles as "THE LORD") ( Exodus 3:14).


Jesus of Nazareth, also known as Jesus or Jesus Christ, is the central figure of Christianity and one of the most influential in Western culture. According to the opinion mostly accepted in academic circles, based on a critical reading of the texts about his figure, Jesus of Nazareth was a Jewish preacher who lived at the beginning of the century in the regions of Galilee and Judea, and was crucified in Jerusalem around year 30, under the government of Pontius Pilate.
For most Christian denominations, he is the Son of God and, by extension, the incarnation of God himself. Its importance also lies in the belief that, with his death and subsequent resurrection, he redeemed the human race. Judaism denies its divinity, which is incompatible with its conception of God. In Islam, where he is known as Isa, he is considered one of the most important prophets.
"But the natural man does not perceive the things that are of the Spirit of God, because for him they are foolishness, and he can not understand them, because they are to be discerned spiritually." (1 Corinthians 2; 14).
The Church of Christ is the Purity of the soul, its Religion is Love, its altar is the Heart, its temple is our Body, its science is the Truth, its law is the Compensation -karma-, its justice the Law and Mercy . All the religious schools of the Baals and all who believe in them, were already marked by the beast. Jesus said clearly: "MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD slave of religious PRIDE, sexual LUST, harassing ENVY, immoral LAZINESS, ECONOMIC CODE, compulsive acquisitive GULA and violent IRA."
Whoever seeks GOD out of himself, IN THE RELIGIOUS DEAD BELIEF, becomes a candidate for hell. He who seeks God IN THE RELIGIOUS WORDS OF MAN-DEPUTY-will pay his apostasy with supreme pain. Jesus did not come to found religions, but to teach us how to purify our soul from original sin.



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