Honor your father and your mother, are the respectful words and actions that result from an internal attitude of esteem for your position.
God exhorts us to honor father and mother. He values ​​honoring parents, enough to include him within the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20:12) and again in the New Testament: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and your mother, which is the first commandment with promise, that it may go well for you, and that you may live long on the earth.
The Son of God submitted Himself to His earthly parents and to His heavenly Father, following the example of Christ, as Christians, we must treat our parents the way we should approach reverentially our heavenly Father.
Obviously, we are commanded to honor our parents, but how? Honoring them both with our actions and our attitudes, honoring their unspoken desires, such as those spoken. The wise son receives the advice of the father; But the mocker does not listen to reproofs.
In Matthew 15: 3-9, Jesus reminds the Pharisees of God's command to honor their father and mother. They were obeying the letter of the law, but they had added their own traditions that essentially nullified it. While they honored their parents by word, their deeds proved the true motive of their heart. Honoring is more than a lip service. The word honor in this passage is a verb, and as such, demands to choose a correct action.
Honor includes the idea of ​​bringing glory to someone. First Corinthians 10:31, tells us that whatever we say or do, we must do for the glory of God. We should seek to honor our parents in a similar way as Christians strive to give glory to God - in our thoughts, words and actions.
Parents have the right to be loved in a special way, because they gave their lives, because they are our benefactors, our real and true friends who help us along the path of life.
Honoring parents means loving them, respecting them, being careful not to cause them pain and being grateful for all the love they have given us. In the concept of the command the word "honor" is inserted, instead of that of love or fear, although parents must be strongly loved and feared.

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