STEEMCHURCH:Foundational truth-Growing Spiritually

Foundation is very important in every Christian life. Without foundation one cannot build up unto perfection. That is why is very essential that we build ourselves in the foundation in the word and doctrine.This implies that with a poor foundation youcannot build as unto perfection.And also, without these keys you cannot help others to also grow. Because we are the body of Christ and we encourage one another, we teach ourselves, we exhort ourselves.

As Christian one thing is of the essence that we consistently see to the nurturing, the growth of our spirit man.
You seeing to the nurturing t of your spirit man or the
growth of your spirit man is a responsibility to you that you have to carry out on a daily basis.

1 Pet 2:2, Psalm 1:2

What then is Meditation.
Meditation is eating of the word or actively taking in of the word of God. Just like how you take in food. It is not a very complex activity involving strange and bizarre means. It is simply taking in the word of God.

How do we Meditate.
Meditation has a couple of meaning that is to mutter, to ponder, to imagine, to speak.These translations where gotten from the various translation of meditation and the various contexts thatthey were used in.Okay now let’s get hold of this. We know that there are 5 senses. The eyes to see, the mouth to speak, the nose to smell, the ears to hear and the skin to feel.Out of these 5 senses 3 can help as meditate on the word of God daily and it is a very simple process.First of all, we have to read aloud the word as we see it in the scriptures even by so doing we should try our best possible to imagine them as reality (with the help of the mind). By so doing you actively engage your 3 senses.

  • Your eyes see the word and you imagine the word.
  • You speak the word with your mouth.
  • And you ear detect the words of your mouth.
    By so doing you actively engage majority of your senses in taking the word.

What is the significance of meditation?
Meditation on the word of God causes you to grow. In the bible a tree is often used as a typology of the spirit of
man. The result of your growth becomes tangible in the flesh by the spirit. You can refer to them as the symptoms or the side effects of spiritual growth.

(Psa 1:2) But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

(Psa 1:3) And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth
his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall

Your entire Christian life depends on how strong your inner man is. When you accept Christ the holy Spirit comes and live in you. The Holy Spirit now bears witness with your spirit that you are a son of God. But that is just the beginning phase of your Christian walk. You need to feed on the word to grow your spirit. This is because your service to God is by your spirit. There is an age in the flesh and an age in the spirit. How much of the knowledge of the word deposited in your spirit both logos and rhema word show how old you are in the spirit.The bible makes us understand the we are labourers of God and we labour by our spirit man and the evidence
of the service is through the flesh.

Romans 1:9
With a weak spirit it would be difficult to serve God. The Spirit of God would find difficult in expressing His giftings and abilities. The only way you can contact God is by your spirit.

(Joel 2:28) And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream
dreams, your young men shall see visions:

The more you meditate on the word of God you grow and you also sharpen your spiritual senses as well. The ability to see, to hear, to prophesy can all be developed through meditating on the word of God to cause a growth in your spirit man for the gifting of the Holy Spirit to breakout.The flesh enjoys the benefits of the fruits of the spirit. If you are not conscious of service by the spirit you will run out of energy.

Proverbs 3:7 Hebrews 4:12
These verses have a keyword marrow which is in our bone and the word of God has impact on it. And this directly connect to our DNA. This show how deep the word of God is on how it also has an impact on our mortal bodies.The secret to serving God is by the spirit.The growth of the spirit man is a day by day activity meditating on the word of God day and night. Proclaiming it and confessing the promises of God.
The more word you have the more open you are open to the realms of the spirit. Through visions, dreams, prophecies. I remember during the same time on vacation we were told to read the book of Romans as I continued to read the book going through the chapter I began to have dreams that are more related to what I
was studying each and every day. And the more I continued to read the more experience I had. These abilities become more sharpened and heightened the more you spend time meditating on the word, studying it, pondering over it. The manifestations and the encounters that you have are as the result of the side effects of the growth of your spirit man.Your spirit has to grow for the Spirit of God to find expression in your spirit. Out of the Spirit cometh the side effects which is seen in the flesh. Your spirit man is like a wallet and whatever measure of the Spirit bestowed
on you is in your spirit man. The amazing fact is the gift does not run out.
When your spirit man is strong. Your spirit Knows things, your spirit senses things.When you read the word, you are filling your spirit man with fire and energyand creating a space for the Spirit of God to have expression in you .You armyourself with the word of God. Take the bible read it. Personalize them. reflect on them.Reflect on the promises of God and personalize them.Spiritual growth is a very simple process. it is a matter of eating. And eating the right food.

Contemplation (Mental Strength)
Takes place as a secondary effect. This refers to the thoughts that you always have in mind. Or the things that you keep your mind on. In the quest to grow we have to continues mind the things that are beneficial to our spirit man to make sure of a path of growth free of setbacks. There are a lot of things that we may see or say or think about that make regress our growth or maturity or be a blockade to our growth. In order to live a life and free your mind of carnal thoughts you have to be disciplined
and you have to set yourself apart from things that make you think or bring carnal thoughts to you and avail yourself to things that brings to mind spiritual things which would bring you life and peace.

(Rom 8:6) For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

The thought life is important.You are who you are because of the thoughts you have accepted in your life.Your thoughts can only be changed by the spirit. It is your spirit that draws you from your setbacks. There is wisdom of the world and there is the wisdom of God.Your spirit man shows you more of who you are because your spirit knows more about you than your mind.We have the mind of Christ. And what is the mind of Christ. It is the word of God.
1 Cor 2:16 john 1:14 Acts 8:21

One of the ways to increase is to sacrifice,to surrender,to make time.
The key is nurture the new life that you have been given and it will surely change you. The gift of God is the life that we receive. And that new life must be sustained by meditating in the word.

Romans 6:23
Romans 8:2

The ABC of Christianity is nurture the life in you by meditating on the word of God. And allow the word of God fill you in order for the Spirit of God to find expression in you and transform you.

Present yourself to Him. And receive more of His life.

(Rom 12:1) I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

(Heb 4:16) Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

You are transformed by the presence of God. The secret to the Christian life is presenting yourself to God. Through worship, praying and reading the word.

Now with reference to the word, there is the logos and the rhema. The logos is the living word and the rhema is the spoken word by God. In actuality the rhema recorded in the bible is now the rhema we now see in the word of God (Bible) since they were recorded. There rhema word were all gotten in pieces and the word all put
together to make the bible. Some rhema in the word per time may only stand for a certain group of people. And some also can be general. A typical example of a general rhema word is the second coming of Christ. And
another one is also judgement. It is appointed for man to die once and after that judgement. So that is it. There can also be a rhema word behind a logos (living word). So this is the distinction between the two and day in day out we tend to hear from God and also have a word behind a scripture in the bible which is the logos word.Just look at Jesus everyday. Establish the word of God in your life.

(2Co 3:18) But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

All information was gotten from foundational truth book one by Johann Melchizedek Peter.

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