
Premarital sex can be seen as any intercourse before marriage. Why did God choose Mary as an instrument for accomplishing his mission of our salvation and redemption plan for us? It's because she was found pure, innocent, she abstained from any form of sexual contact and made a promise to herself to keep her virginity no matter what might come her way until her after marriage.

Our virginity is our pride, glory, honour and prestige. When we talk about keeping one's virginity our mind usually tell us that this topic is for women only but that's not truth, virginity is for everybody business, men included. Keeping our virginity and runing away from sex before marriage will benefit us spiritually and also help us prevent the following:

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1. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs): STDs are diseases spread from one person to another through sexual intercourse e.g are genital herpes, Syphilis, gonorrhoea, pelvic inflammatory Diseases (PID) etc

2. Human Immunodeficiency virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS): This disease is the peak of it all, this can be acquired when human immunodeficiency virus is spread from one person to another through intercourse and from the use of any infected objects. This virus destroyes the immune system.

3. Guilt: When one involve in premarital sex, guilt will always accompany together with it's relatives like unhappiness, restless. This unhappiness usually results to low-self esteem.

5. Unwanted pregnancy: Pregnancy is a good thing but when it's not planned for, it brings sorrows, you bring shame to your family, your dreams been shattered. It also can lead to the following:

Drop out of school
Low self esteem

Since sometimes the victim body is underdeveloped, delivering of the baby might be difficult.

6. Abortion: When one deliberate terminate a growing embryo in her womb at early pregnancy it's called abortion. Abortion destroys many woman womb and some find it difficult to conceive when they are married. In some cases many die during the process.

We gain a lot and lose nothing from abstaining from premarital sex. Let encourage our young ones on the need to abstain from any form of sexual contact till after marriage.

Thanks for reading and remain bless

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