Greetings dear community in this opportunity I am going to speak to you of someone very special my nephew Jonas Jesús, for affection we call him jota.

He lives in Margarita, Edo Nueva Esparta Venezuela and his passion is football, he has been playing it since he was 5 years old, currently he is 8 years old with a very alert and intelligent child, he has always had the support of his parents for the arduous task of his training is the motivation that can go a long way if he proposes it, but for this he needs to work hard, prepare himself and be in shape is indispensable for a good performance of his faculties on the field.

Beach training with the team.

Jota plays mid-center and central defense, in category eight, sometimes he plays with category 10 because of his performance on the court is good to play with older boys, if you ask him which are his favorite players.
without hesitation this little boy would respond by looking at you with his very big eyes and his eyelashes even bigger ; From the Venezuelan national team, Romulo Otero, Tomas Rincón, from other countries or selections El Kun Aguero, Messi, Mascherano, Paulo Dybala ,his favorite teams are..:Zamora soccer club, team of the State of Barinas ,La vino tinto selecion de Venezuela, La Juventus and Barcelona.

Jonas was selected to represent the State of Nueva Esparta along with other children in a national tournament of category 8 that will take place in the Edo Monagas at the end of April of this year, in other opportunities it has not been possible for him to attend because the family has not been able to cover the expenses ,Jonas dreams of going out to represent his state ,to help make this possible the family is making an effort for all of us to achieve that our Jonas complies with his wishes.

Some pictures with the team

Here with daddy mama and her brother Samuel.


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