1. He was a beloved brother. In our generation where men have become title conscious (or is it title crazy?), rarely do we want to be addressed simply as brothers or sisters. It pays to be humble and just remain a brother. A grass that is already cut low will not be carried away by storms!

(2) He was a faithful Minister. This means he was loyal, reliable and trustworthy. He was someone who handled carefully whatever was committed into his hands, knowing he was accountable to the all-seeing God (Matt 6:4; Ps 139:11-12; Eccl 12:14).


  1. He was a fellow servant. This means he was two-in-one: a servant, and a fellow servant. As a servant, he was ready to take on any assignment. He was out just to serve God out to serve and not be served. What a great humility. I believe it also means that he was out to give and not to grab! He was out to be a blessing.
    As a ''fellow servant '', it means he was also a Team player, and not a lone ranger seeking to shine alone or outshine others. He was not given to cut-throat competition.

  2. He was a bearer of good report and not a tale bearer, a gossip or slanderer. Today many in Christendom compete with CNN to break news!

  3. He was an encourager/comforter. When he is around you, your burden will be lifted. There are many whose company you don't want to keep, or with whom you cannot unburden your heart. They have 'acidic" tongues. They discourage and dampen your faith, and even try to kill your vision. Brother Tychicus was different

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