
Goodmorning esteemed steemians, these words have been in my heart for quite some time now, I look around and I see people capable of helping others refuse to, for one reason or the other, brothers ignoring each other in times of need, I see a lot people Shying away from responsibilities at the slightest sign of difficulty, even in the house of God.
I want us to take a look at the life of Esther in the Bible, as young as she was, she was leveled with the responsibility to save her people, she didn't shy away, even when she knew how dangerous it was, because she recognized she was there at such a time as this,

quoteEsther 4: 14. For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

whether we like it or not , if you refuse to help or do what God asks you to do, somebody else will and the blessing will elude you

quoteLuke 19: 40. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

Tap into the blessing of obedience and giving, reach out to someone, listen to that little voice inside you and answer that burning desire God has put within you, put a smile on someone's face today. imagesource

Let us all take examples from our Lord Jesus, he gave his life for us and brought us salvation, blotting our sins out,also the greatest knight I know @sirknight, his benevolence brought about the celestial challenge and he also created a platform for Christians hence the steemchurch, let us all look out today and see where can we be of help. I'm not forgetting @darmarth @abiye @dyz7 @omonosa @ehiboss,you all have been amazing, I am challenged by ur acts of kindness and benevolence. imagesource

Let's make the world a better place, that's what we have been called to do, for we are here in this world at such a time as this, it could have only been us, let's not alow the blessings elude us. . .
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