Prayer #1: Do You Want Your Prayers Answered?


God wants us to talk to him despite his strength, his power wisdom and everything of his which superseeds us. little wonder when the bible states in Isaiah 40:15, Reads

Look! The nations are like a drop from a bucket, and as the film of dust on the scales they are regarded.

Despite all this the psalmist records at psalms 145:18,19

Jehovah is near to all those calling on him, to all who call on him in truth. He satisfies the desire of those who fear him:he hears their cry for help, and he rescues them.

We pray to God because it brings us closer to him. We love him, he wants us to be his friends and he has shared his thoughts with us in the scriptures which is why we perceive he wants us to draw closer to him especially through talking to him. When we talk to someone regularly we therefore feel closer to that person. In this case it's no different. But the question is What must we do to be heard by God?

What we must do to be heard by God.

God does not listen to all prayers. We know this by what is written in Isaiah 1:15

Although you offer me many prayers, I am not listening, your hands are filled with blood.

Hence this outlines an important point, this shows that if we are careless we could do things that displease our Heavenly Father and distance ourselves from him.

How then can our prayers be heard?

1. We Must have faith in God
Jesus told his disciples in mark 11:24 that when they pray, they must have faith to receive what they ask for. Faith is very vital when we pray to Jehovah. Faith is also important in our worship. Apostle Paul stressed this when he spoke to Hebrew Christans in Hebrew 11:6

without faith, it's impossible to please God well, for whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.

Hence we must also prove our faith when we heed God's command and obey him daily.

2. We should show humility and respect when we pray

Imagine that we want to speak to a king or president, wouldn't we do so in a respectful manner? Therefore God is the almighty king, shouldn't we show even deeper respect when we talk to him?
We must also be sincere and speak from our heart to God when we pray. Also the book of Matthew 6:7,8 warns us against repeating words when we pray.
We must heed this warning as many have failed, they shout and repleat same words over and over as of God is deaf. We must exercise great caution against this.

3. Work with your prayer.

Finally when we pray about something, we must do everything we can to work with our prayer. For instance when we ask God to provide our daily bread, we must work towards it and avoid being lazy about it. We must go to work in faith and expectations.

What about if we pray to God for assistance and help to stop a certain habit? We must try all we can to avoid situations that lead to such sins.

We have been able to consider what we must do to be heard by God, next time we will consider some of the questions people are asking about prayers.

It is my believe that you have learnt something here today. Please feel free to ask your questions and request for a Bible study in the comment section of this post.

Yours truly loved

@iconnelly ©2018

Bible Citations: NWT Revised
What can the bible teach us p108

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