Communal living gone down the hole in our dispensation today,compared to the early church

Commune living is an intentional community of people residing together, sharing common interests, they also have common values and beliefs, it is not just limited to that but also extends to their property, possessions, resources, and, in some communes, work, income or assets. Looking around us today in our homes and especially in our churches can we still boast of living a communal life?

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Society today

Talking about our society today ,i will be using the church as an example because i believe the church should lead why others outside follow. But in this case it is the other way round ,people no longer care about the affairs of others all they want or do is just for their selfish interest. We all know what is happening in our churches today you see some so called pastors acquiring wealth through their members ,and this same members would have nothing to feed on, no clothes and even a place to lay their heads . Meanwhile it should not be like this in the church the leaders are supposed to help the needy in the church, no wonder so many people are running away from churches this days ,they will tel you they prefer to worship at home instead of attending a church service. Why is this? Because even the little they have will be taken away from them through false teaching. No wonder the bible told us in matthew 7:15

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are greedy wolves.

This is the more reason why we should do good when we can, we should not wait for anybody to teach us how to do this. When God blesses you try as much as possible to help someone around you, remember that when you invest in people it will go a long way compared to material things.

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Early church

In Acts 4 the communal life of the early christians was explained, the bible made us to understand that they did all things in common. The rich among them sold their properties and brought the proceeds to the church so it will be shared among the poor . There was literally nothing that they did not do together. If anyone among them is mourning they all mourn together and if anyone is celebrating they celebrated together. During this period Ananias and Sapphira also sold some of their properties with the intention to give the church the proceeds, but then they kept some apart and still went ahead to lie to peter and immediately they lost their lives . We have christains just like them today trying to also show the whole world that they also have something to offer, it would have been better if they had not even sold or come forward to help.

In conclusion

We should all try as much as possible to sow in the lives of others no matter how small, you do not have to wait until you millions in your account before you can bring people together and help them. That little that you have is enough and it will definitely go a long way.


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