Repentance is the action of repenting,sincere regret or remorse. Repentance is also an act of looking back at one's action and feeling regret for part wrongs in commitment to change for the better. It can also mean"being sorry for one's misdeeds". Repentance is a change of mind,turning away from sin to being a saved person. To truly repent,God really need to change our mind about sin. In Psalm 97:10, the Bible says, "Ye that love the LORD,hate evil:he preserveth the souls of his saints;he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked". In other words,when you claim to love God but yet still doing evil to your fellow,you have not truly repented but you must hate evil and flee from it for you to love God and do His will.

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1 GENUINE REPENTANCE: This is a process whereby you feel sorry for the sins you have committed,then ask for forgiveness and never go back to it again. It takes a determined mind to be repented genuinely, this will make God feel for you and forgive you no matter the sin.
Job 11:13-15,
"If thou prepare thine heart,and stretch out thine hands toward him;if iniquity be in thine hand,put it far away,and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacles. For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yea,thou shall be steadfast, and shalt not fear"

Jeremiah 3:13,
"Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the LORD thy God,and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree,and ye have not obeyed my voice, said the LORD"

You have to make a genuine repentance to God so that He would know you are serious with it. The prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 made a genuine repentance to God after he has gone into the world and mingle with bad company, he later came back to his senses and returned back home.
Luke 15:21, "And the son said unto him,Father,I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight,and am no more worthy to be called thy son. "
The father in this parable is God,he came to make genuine repentance after realizing his mistakes. The joy in genuine repentance is that no matter your sin,God is still there to embrace and forgive you just as the father to the prodigal son. We may also act like the son and make a genuine repentance to God and He will receive us back into His kingdom.

2 NOT REPENTING GENUINELY: This is when you go to God today and you are found sinning again. God is not pleased with these type of people. They are not remorseful in any way. This is a kind of person in which after listening to a sermon in church but only touches his heart for that day,come to ask for forgiveness but after getting home,still indulge in some evil things. This is when the flesh is still dominating such fellow. God knows our heart and those who have come in determination to repent,so when a person who is not serious about his repentance comes to God,He will just be looking at him because He knows he is not ready


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  • The first step is to recognize that you have sinned against God and disobeying His commandments

  • The next step is to go to God and confess to Him.
    The Bible says in Proverbs 28:13 that, "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper:but whoso confesseth and forsaketh shall have mercy "

  • Then you find solution caused by the sins by praying to God to deliver and help you overcome them

  • Flee from sin totally

  • Then God will forgive you completely

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