Luke 16:13,

"No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one,and love the other;or else he will hold to the one,and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon"

Decision is very important in a man's life so that you will know what to do at the exact time. When you are arguing over two things,you need to decide on one so you can have peace of mind. For example,a man pursuing two birds at a time will end up been tired and not catch anything until he goes after one and leave the other before he can have a successful catch or a man working under two masters can never have peace of mind. For you not to be at the loser end,you need to decide the best fast.

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In our text,the Bible explains that a servant cannot serve two masters,what does that mean? The two masters here are God and Satan. As a being,you cannot be lukewarm (one leg in and another leg out). You can never be satisfied and have peace of mind when you are in between.
When as a Christian, you are praying to God, going to church and still going to an herbalist,your life is even more at stake because you are never for God and eventually Satan will claim you at the end. If you must serve God,then let it be and if it is Satan,so be it. You can't claim both at the same time,it is impossible.

There is option for you and salvation they say is free,either God or Satan,choose one. One thing I want you to know is that when you go to seek help from the devil, he will give but with a condition of giving whatever he ask from you but whatever comes from God is free and will last forever. A man who plans doing money ritual will not be told the repercussion until he digs his head into it before he knows what he has done. When you pray to God and later mixes herbs together,your prayers cannot be answered because as God is angry that you are not for Him, so also Satan is angry too. God loves His children and He is calling them to repentance, Satan is only designed to destroy you and see your end in hell fire.

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Faithfulness is what God wants from His children,you need to be faithful in whatever you do. You can choose to be faithful to God and leave the devil,all are for your own good but if you say you are not heeding to it,then you are calling for destruction.
As a chorister in His vineyard but is seen fornicating and committing adultery is not faithful, you have to choose one,either to serve God or Satan. As a minister of God, you are preaching on the altar and still indulging in sleeping with singles in your church,you aren't faithful at all. God is watching and one day your end will come then you know where you belong. Decide now to serve God because in Him only is everlasting joy and He will make your ways straight and smooth. Make Satan sad by choosing to serve only one master which is God.

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