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Who is a Christian? This is a kind of person who lives like Christ, one who is perfect in all things. A person without blemish, faults,someone who does all things rightly and one who is blameless. There are some people who call themselves Christians but they are not true Christians, they only use the word "Christianity" as camouflage but they don't portrays the life of a true Christians. These are people living in sin and claiming the inheritance in Christ Jesus. For you to be a true Christian, you need to be in Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says,
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away;behold,all things are become new".

When you are in Christ, you have transformed from being just a Christian to a true Christian, the difference is the "true". It means not faking it,not pretending and not covering with it. To be a true Christian, you need to show it out to people and let them know you are among the children of God.

2 Corinthians 5:20,
"Now then we are ambassadors for Christ,as though God did beseech you by us:we pray you in Christ's stead,be ye reconciled to God."

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To be ambassador for Christ means to represent Him in all things,both in holiness,in truth and spirit. A true Christina will always stand in all things and represent our Lord Jesus Christ and for you to do that,you must be a genuine Christian. One who is able to carry the cross and do His work.

Characteristics of a true Christian
For you to become a true Christian, there are some traits you must possess that will qualify you to be called a child of God.

  • A true Christian must live like Jesus (Acts 11:26)

  • A true Christian must have delight in the word of God daily (Psalm 1:2)

  • He or she must be pure in all areas,live a holy life and without blemish (Psalm 24:3-4)
    A true Christian must be the one who seeks after the things of God and never runs after worldly things. God is interested in those who will worship Him wholeheartedly and not with a biased mind. For you to gain access into the heavenly kingdom and for your name to be written in the book of life, you must become a genuine Christian.

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