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When life throws at you certain challenges that puts you off balance, never stay down and allow it to trample on you. Even when getting back on your feet may deem difficult difficult or take longer than you would expect. Have it in mind that the condition is temporary.

It is never an easy task to come back from a terrible fall in life like in a relationship. It could be family issues or financial. Those dark moments are only for a while. What is important is your thoughts about yourself. Think success, strength, joy, victory because the world or the circumstances cannot control your thoughts. You are in charge there. Keep seeing the vision of the real you that is blessed and is living above that challenge.

You are not deceiving yourself by thinking that way. The Bible says you are what you say or what you think. If your thoughts about this you are not pleasant, who do you want to have the good thoughts for you. That's where you start taking the decisions and strategizing your comeback plans.

Stay strong in there irrespective of what are the oppositions. Work out your issues for yourself. Meet with the right people to help you out. This phase of life will surely pass. After the rain comes sun shine. Also after the dark night comes the morning light. Your morning is dawning.

Stay strong always and remember you are the best of you and there is no other like you in this world.

I am @gloeze.

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