According to psychologists (Burl Guilliland) the crisis is the perception of an event or a situation as an intolerable difficulty that the person can not face and exceeds their adaptation mechanisms and psychological resources of the individual.


All of us went through a crisis, some of them circumstantial, such as sudden illnesses, the death of a loved one, economic problems, being a victim of crime, robbery or natural disaster. Generally people need help to overcome them and move forward in their lives, specialized and professional help is a good alternative.


The ideal therapist is the one who has learned and grown up in crises. For the Christian we find in Jesus Christ that specialist, he experienced in his own life moments of crisis and was victorious in each of them. I invite you to know one of these:

"So they came to a place called Gethsemane, and said to his disciples, Sit here while I pray. And he took Peter, James, and John with him, and he began to be sad and anxious. And he said to them: My soul is very sad, until death; stay here and watch. Going forward a little, he prostrated himself on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, that hour would pass away from him "(Mark 14: 32-35).


"A few hours before his death, Jesus Christ faced the greatest crisis of his life, the decision to die or not for the human being." Physical death was not what Jesus feared most, but the separation of his father when facing the coming conflict with the powers of darkness, by saving mankind from the condemnation of sin, the wrath of God was upon him, Satan made him believe that his separation from the Father would be eternal.


But in the midst of his agony: "See the impotence of man. See the power of sin. The woes and lamentations of a condemning world arise before him. Contemplate the luck that would touch him and his decision is made. It will save man, whatever the cost. Accept his baptism of blood, so that through him the millions who perish may obtain eternal life.

 " His prayer was" My Father, if this cup can not pass from me without my drinking, your will be done "(Matthew 26). : 42). 

Jesus first dies in Gethsemane before dying on the cross. By making the wonderful decision to give his life for the sin of man.


Jesus Christ is the one who can help you in your moments of crisis that you spend in your life. Is your home in crisis? Are your relationships with your partner wrong? Do you have economic problems? Did the disease come to your life? Neglect he is close to you, closer than you think, being the human divine specialist, know and understand better what happens in you, you can talk to him and he can listen to you, understand you and love you, give you the exit and victory, trust in His word, in the promise of Matthew 28: 20  "... I am with you every day, until the end of the world, Amen".

I await your comments.


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