THE YOUNG RICH, reflection



The Bible says: "Jesus looked around and told his disciples: How difficult it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! The disciples were amazed at his words. Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God! Jesus repeated- It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. The disciples were astonished even more, and said to each other: "Then, who can be saved?" For men it is impossible, Jesus clarified, staring at them, "but not for God; in fact, for God everything is possible "(Mark 10: 23- 27 NIV).  

  By the expression of Jesus, the rich young man had many material possessions that he valued, he went sad because deep down in his heart he loved his riches more than God. His attitude showed that he had his riches as a god, he wanted them and he did not want to lose them. The commandment to love God above all things did not put into practice, his god was his possessions and money.  

  Sometimes we think that a false god is an image to which he bows and reveres but goes beyond that, we can say that a god can be anything material, personal desire or selfish pleasure that we love in life more than the Creator and sustainer Someone can have as a god a car, work, their children or a couple. In this world where social networks mark a preponderant era, there are people who love more your mobile phones or computers than anything in life becoming your god.  

  Jesus, referring to "How difficult it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!" Did not mean that a rich man can not enter the kingdom of God. If not the one who has gods in his life and love them more than Jesus Christ, it will be very difficult for him to go to heaven.  

  That is why "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." This expression Jesus said referring to ancient cities, were surrounded by walls to protect them from their enemies and thieves, when the main doors were closed, there were small doors in the shape of the needle eye, it was uncomfortable and difficult to pass a camel for one of them. This indicated that it was easier for the camel to pass through that little door, for a person to leave their gods to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.  



  What is treasured in the heart is difficult to leave, they are pleasant, they produce pleasure and personal satisfaction, some are harmful to life. An example is when someone has the habit of smoking cigarettes, it is a desire that is born in the person and often can not leave, knowing the physical damage that it produces, it is impossible to abandon it by itself.  

  That's why Jesus said:

 "For men it is impossible," Jesus clarified, staring at them, "but not for God; in fact, for God everything is possible. "  



  What words are so certain, if it is difficult for you to leave something, that maybe it is killing you physically, morally or spiritually and because of your weakness it becomes impossible to overcome, do not be distressed or discouraged. What is impossible for you is possible for God.  

  Jesus has the way, the power to help you overcome, his power can transform your mind, heart, feelings and even your whole life, he is Almighty God, all things are possible for Him. 



   Do you have treasures in your heart that are hard to leave to follow God's way? Have you thought about what Jesus can do for you, if you let him?
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