What the Bible say about Godliness

Godliness comes from the Greek word EUSEBIA and it is used in the New Testament to express the idea
of piety or spirituality. But I see godliness as a product of following the TRUTH (the person of Christ),
thus one is godly and acts godly upon obedience to the TRUTH, and where there is no obedience to the
TRUTH, then we have stopped focusing on the TRUTH. images(31).jpgimage credit

Godliness is also living for God. So then, how do I live for God?
1Timothy 4:12 KJV

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in
charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity

You are still young. But let nobody think that they know better than you because of that. Be an example
to the people who believe Christ. Be an example because of: What you say, What you do, How you love
people, How you believe God, How you always do only what is right.
How is Godliness profitable?
God made an investment in us as believers and he wants to realise some returns on his investment, we
talk about the "I know who I am gospel"-our inheritance in Christ Jesus. But papa God has an inheritance
in us and he deserves that it produce a high profit.
My dear powerful and glorious saint, godliness is not an hindrance to success. It is profitable unto all
things e.g protection, academic excellence, prosperity e.t.c
I will quickly discuss on how godliness ensures our protection.
If we’re God’s children, we belong to Him! And He will protect us. First Corinthians 6:19 says, “…Your
body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own.”
You don’t belong to yourself. You’re not your own. You were bought with a price; you belong to God.
Since we belong to God, then we ought to expect Him to take care of us. As I said, godliness ensures
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Now that doesn’t mean that we can act foolishly and think we’ll be automatically protected. We must
still live godly lives, wisely choosing to serve God each day.
That’s what it means to be godly—to live for God and serve Him wholeheartedly. There’s reward or
profit for living a godly life. Living for God will affect you in every way, including in the realm of
The Lord didn’t say the going is always going to be good. In fact, the Word of God says that the
afflictions of the righteous are many (Ps. 34:19). The word translated afflictions is referring to troubles
and trials.
In Psalm 91:15, God said He would be with us in trouble. If you are never going to have any trouble, why
would God say He’d be with you in trouble? No, serving God doesn’t mean you’re never going to have
any trouble.
Some people get the idea if you live by faith, you just sort of float through life on flowery beds of ease.
They think you’ll never have any persecution, opposition, or trouble. They get the idea that the blessings
of protection, promotion, and prosperity will fall on them like ripe cherries off a tree. But that’s not
what the Bible said.
Psalm 34:19 says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them
all.” Godliness ensures divine protection! That simply means God will see you through!
If you want to see a difference in every area of your life, and if you want to make a difference in other
people’s lives, godliness is the key. Living a godly life will make your way prosperous, and you will have
good success—spirit, soul, and body! With godly living you will receive divine protection, academic
excellence, prosperity and so on.

Thanks for reading
God bless you

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