
When we give wholeheartedly from our heart, we tend to receive back in multiple folds. Yes, that is what the Bible says.
Giving is very important in our Christian race. If we don't give to God, how are we to receive back from Him? He wants us to give to Him all our substance, He is using that to test our faith and see if He still has control over our lives. But if we don't actually give to Him, He will not even stretch out His hand to give us what we need
He said, "Give and it shall given to you". It is when you give, that you will receive. No partial involve in this

1 Corinthians 9:7
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver"

Who is a cheerful giver? It is someone who gives from his heart, with gladness in his heart and not murmuring or grumbling.
The Bible has mandated we should give not grudgingly but with happy mind
Let's learn to give so we can be given back

A typical example is God giving us His only begotten Son for us. He gave us Jesus Christ to die for our Sins and He(God) is receiving back to Himself which is the true believers in Him. If God had not given His Son (Jesus) to us, there won't be any believer or Souls won to Him but praise God that He is receiving our praise and worship wholeheartedly just because of the free gift He has given to us
Another is Father Abraham when God told him to give his only Son (Isaac) as a sacrifice. He did obeyed God and God blessed him and gave him all he want because he obeyed Him

Giving has many benefits if only we can have the spirit and power to give, we will never lack
Give and it shall be given to you

God bless!!!

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