It is great to be with you once again dear friend. I thank God for all that he has done in our lives in the past few days as we went through his word in search for his will. By his grace he has opened our eyes and understanding to know his will for our lives.
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We have covered a lot of it in the previous messages but today, I want to make it more practical as we close the topic. I have endeavored to expound on the various ways God desires us to serve him. We got to understand that it's the will of God that we be saved, filled with the holy ghost, sanctified, suffer and that we be thankful in all situations.

But someone might be wondering about things concerning normal daily activities like marriage , education, organisations etc. And here my answer is very simple-
DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. But you say 'Ah! man, you know how humans are, aren't you trying to legalise sin by what you said?' Big no. God forbid that I would try to reduce the sinfulness of sin. I am aware of the depravity of man.

But you see dear friend , when you became saved, you gave your life to Christ to Lord over it. You surrendered everything to him as your new Master. So now, I speak in the ideal sense. That is that everyone who has followed the will of God in the bible, that person who has received salvation and has been given eternal life, that person who has the holy ghost controlling him, that person in the process of sanctification , suffering for righteousness sake and always giving thanks to God in every circumstance can do whatever he wants. Because his will is in tandem to God's

When we believed and repented of our sin, we denounced it and saw Christ as sufficient to be a Substitute of all our desires, ideas, self, properties , money and everything we had obtained from the world. So we left everything and followed him. "And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life."Matthew 19:29. "Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ"Philippians 3:8.

So now all the dross is gone and the beautiful garment has been given us from heaven's wardrobe. Our desires are in line with God's. So now God is saying
"Take delight in Him, and he will give you your heart's desires."Psalms 37:4. If we take delight in His will , he will make sure our hearts desires come to pass. This verse seems to be a contrast of Jeremiah 17:9 which says "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?". So if the human heart is such wicket and contrary to the will of God, how then is that same God going to give us our hearts desires?

This is the exact point I've tried to present to you this evening. Now we can do what because our wicket heart has been transformed by the Lord when he washed us and saved us. Therefore although the hearts of men by default are wicked and against God , those who have received circumcision of the heart are changed . Their affections are in line with God's will. They are new creatures. They have the same desires as God and God can bless their hearts desires.

In your marriage , choose a woman or a man on your heart. Because I believe that as a Christian he or she must meet the criteria of godly woman or man. Don't be afraid to do good or start a ministry. If your heart is right with God he will bless it. You just need to make sure your ways are right with him and he will pour his rain on it. Don't be afraid to do anything that is godly and right. In your education, don't fear to pursue any degree you desire , if your heart is right with God and in line with his perfect will as said in the bible, he will bless it and it will ultimately glorify his name.

Beloved I belive you have been blessed by this series. I pray that we all have the desire to do his will and he will bless us.

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