King Rehoboam’s Costly Mistake

King Rehoboam was the son of King Solomon who assumed control over the kingdom of Israel. He started his rule with a mistake that he would never recuperate from. After the Death of Solomon, the Israelites came to youthful King Rehoboam and asked for to have him diminish the substantial weight that King Solomon had laid on them.

Rehoboam made the best choice at first. He required the senior citizens who sat before His dad and requested their advice. The older folks exhorted him to talk serenely to the general population and collaborate with them. However, he also required his companions who had grown up with him and requested their guidance. Obviously, the young fellows drove him adrift. They instructed me to talk cruelly to the general population and not tune in to their demand. 2 Chronicles 10:13 above says he took after the guidance of the young fellows. The outcome? Ten of the 12 clans of Israel defied His lead and were never again part of his Kingdom.

King Rehoboam them felt free to did what we as a whole sometimes endeavor to do today aside from in a different way. He encouraged the whole armed force of his kingdom to utilize compel and bring back the entire kingdom under him ( 2 Chro. 11:1). However, God ceased his designs. He bombed in insight, making terrible decisions in his life, and needed to utilize capacity to remedy his absurdity. We have sometimes settled on terrible options in life and when we cause harm, we look for capacity to settle our absence of insight. God's intelligence is a higher virtue than His capacity. Get godly knowledge. Hear and comply with His Word and it will be well with your soul.

Where is God's knowledge found? ( 1 Cor. 1:30, Prov. 2:6, Luke 11:49).

The Word is your advocate ( Ps. 119:24). Focus on its advice and guidelines in life. We CANNOT live in opposition to God's Word and expect that it will be WELL with us. Be regard for DO His Word, in huge or little things and spare yourself from pointless enduring in your life.

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