The words of your mouth determines your ultimate worth in the school of success,it is impossible to encounter success without talking success or dreaming success.

This is because the words we speak are seeds, let me show you how the words you speak affect you.
The words you speak are seeds, which bring forth fruits after their kind.Luke 8:11

The seed is the word of God. that means, how much of the word of God that is expressed through your lips in any area of your life. as a believer in christ when you are passing through challenges you speak the word to overcome the challenges and trials.

Never you be intimidated by what you are passing through because someday God will make a way.

You have to be positive in your thoughts, even when you have no food to eat,speak the word.the lord says I WILL PROVIDE ALL THY NEEDS ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY BY CHRIST JESUS.

Our God is an unlimited God is never limited because what he says he will surely do. this day the grace to talk your way into success fall on you in jesus name Amen.

Stuff Your Heart With Right Words
How can you talk success? you talk success by being stuffed with success words and thought, "for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh"(matt.12:34) your mouth speaks forth the overflows of what is in your heart.

The knowledge of this secret is what led David a man after Gods heart,to pray this prayer Psalm 19:14.
He had to say this prayer because he knew that a lot of the troubles people get themselves into,are traceable to the things they medicate upon and utter from there lips.

If you check the lifestyle of every successful man,you will notice they are word positive.
They speak success,victory nd victory. they always believe they can because as you proclaim it in your heart so shall it be.

Let me share a story before i round off,on monday i was cashless no hope nobody to call for assistant and the funniest thing i have no food to eat but, i was positive that my help cometh from God. the next morning i chatted my friend casually that i will love to sell my SBD and she just boasted my spirit when she told me to send my account details behold my brother and sister ,i sent my details and the deal was finalise i got alert which i hurriedly went to withdraw from bank.

When i came back from bank i prepared a good meal to eat.
God used Steem to feed me that day

That's why it is good to speak the word. i pray for you today,may God lunch you to success where your words will be held in Jesus name Amen!!!!

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