It is always good to hear again the things that God has said. Wisdom comes from the words we have heard from God. Listening to those who do not have faith leads us to despair, hearing God does us good to find peace. Hearing God will bring us faith, gives us faith in the future and peace in the present. Putting your feet in the present and hearing God today allows us to see a glorious tomorrow.

If we focus on hearing God, the best will come to our life. Hearing God exalts and blesses us. God promises that he who hears his voice will be healed. He who hears God receives direction for each of the areas of his life. Hear the voice that tells you which is the right path and keeps you from evil. God promises, that if you trust Him, you will hear His voice behind your back to guide you along the way. When you move without consulting God, it can go very wrong. The guarantee of any decision we make is in hearing the voice of God, for your life and for this country.

Having the privilege of hearing the voice of God is more than a joy for all believers, but the truth is that many of us do not know how to listen or understand. It is important to know what the Lord tells you, to obey, but above all to learn to hear and discern what your creator says for you, your ministry, the church and the family.

It takes some faith and I do not say much, just a little and this is because of the words of our Lord Jesus Christ where he says it is necessary to have it as a small mustard seed to do great things in his name. If you listen to the Voice of God speaking to your life, it is time to attend to the message.

We only have to believe in God and always seek communion with him to discern when he speaks to us so that we can walk the path of faith knowing that what we have to do and in full obedience to the mandate of the voice of God for our lives. Whether it is an audible voice, a special ministry in your heart or through another person who is the instrument used by the heavenly father, it is fundamental to be able to obey the instructions of our Lord.

It takes some faith and I do not say much, just a little and this is because of the words of our Lord Jesus Christ where he says it is necessary to have it as a small mustard seed to do great things in his name. If you listen to the Voice of God speaking to your life, it is time to attend to the message.

We only have to believe in God and always seek communion with him to discern when he speaks to us so that we can walk the path of faith knowing that what we have to do and in full obedience to the mandate of God's voice for our lives. Whether it is an audible voice, a special ministry in your heart or through another person who is the instrument used by the heavenly father, it is fundamental to be able to obey the instructions of our Lord.

When a man decides to hear God and obey his voice, he will receive all the benefits that God offers in his Word. Every man or woman of faith knows that we can hear his voice. In the Bible, God's love letter to humanity clarifies the truth of listening and obeying his voice. Jesus tells us in John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me". If you are one of his sheep, then it is to know that you know his voice and that he follows his instructions.


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