Forgiveness Could Give Way to Reconciliation

(Psalm 103: 8).
We must follow His example by being "compassionate and merciful, slow to anger and full of inexhaustible love"

2 Corinthians 5:18
All this comes from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation

When Yo (Esther) was a girl and still in elementary school, another girl, named Luisa, often misbehaved with me. After our lives took different paths, I chose to obey God and follow his path and also forgive Luisa. Now we live in different cities, and we did not have the opportunity to restore our friendship relationship.

Human Reconciliation:
I believe that God does not want us to leave things half-hearted. Jesus said, "Therefore, if you are presenting your gift on the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there in front of the altar. Go first and reconcile with your brother; then return and present your offering "(Matthew 5: 23-24). We must follow His example by being "compassionate and merciful, slow to anger and full of inexhaustible love" (Psalm 103: 8). We must obey him when he asks us to reconcile our relationships just as Jesus reconciled our relationship with God. After all, "God was reconciling the world to Himself ... As if God were exhorting you through us:" In Christ's name we beseech you to be reconciled to God "(2 Corinthians 5: 19-2

The Reconciliation of God's Part
It turns out that God was waiting for Luisa to "come back." Approximately 20 years later, we find ourselves again in a PENIEL WOMEN'S RETREAT (FACE TO SIDE WITH GOD)! At some point during that time Luisa found salvation in Christ. When we saw each other again, Luisa took the opportunity to immediately reconcile with me.
God's promise that "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation" (2 Corinthians 5:17) and was evident in the life of Luisa.
At a certain time Esther and Luisa were enemies, now they were sisters in Christ. We enjoy and rejoice together when we are saved in Jesus.
In the same way, all of us "... were enemies of God, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son" (Romans 5:10). We can have peace with one another through Christ, "and, through him, reconcile with him all things, both those on earth and those in heaven" (Colossians 1: 20a).


When two people are in conflict; and they ask for and receive forgiveness from one another, then reconciliation takes place.
This action gives them freedom to continue in the plans and purposes of God.

The best example of reconciliation is in God as we reconcile ourselves to Him through Christ. Better yet, as believers God has given us, both you and me, the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18). Amazing! "Thank you Lord!" In the series Pray, Be Interested in Others and Share Jesus, you can see how important it is to "forgive each other" just as God forgave you in Christ "(Ephesians 4: 32b)
It is possible to forgive those who have offended us without necessarily having a conversation with them. However, reconciliation occurs only when we forgive each other in person. If the offender has already died, can not be located or is unknown, we should simply trust God with the situation
Seek God's guidance carefully as to approaching someone who has offended you. When you tell someone that you have forgiven him, it does not mean that he opens the door for you to hurt him again. Searching for reconciliation is NOT necessary if you have completely forgiven. Through reconciliation you can bring blessing and the life of the person who
has offended you as God did with you.

A useful suggestion:

Pray for reconciliation with someone who has hurt you, and seek confirmation from the Lord. Talk to a trusted friend or elder before approaching the person who offended you and take someone with you in such a way that you do not get hurt again. If the abuse is continuous, more caution is still needed

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