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The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down


Psalm 145:14

Sometimes our burden seems more, then we can bear and we wonder how we can go on.

The psalmist from experience had discovered that at this bleak intersection of life's road we can bank on the Lord, the great burden bearer.

He is ever able to turn around situation. He is able to lift us up.

His greatness is unsearchable, his love and mercies are inexhaustible for his mighty acts spans many generations.

Our God is daily awesome as he is full of glorious honour and majesty.

To his people, our God is the rock of defense.

Our problems draw us closer to God thus turning even our failure into success.

Our God is gracious and compassionate, patient and merciful and would never abandon us.

Jesus went after Peter and restored him to lead his people.

He redirected Saul's zeal and made him Apostle Paul.

A sinner like zacheaus was accepted because God picks up the fallen and places them on the rock to stand.

God is interested in every child of his, even the prodigal son who repented was given a heart-warming welcome.

God's love is unsearchable.
It is unconditional.
It is kind; it is patient.

Do you love him? If no, try and do so.

Remain blessed
Thanks for visiting my blog and God bless you.

I am @erbeebassie.

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