Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:


Ephesians 1:3

Good morning Steemians!
Waking up to see today is a blessing from God our Father.
Let's see his abundant blessings towards us.

God in our text today says he has bestowed on his people all the goodness of the past,the present and the future.

For the spiritual blessings in heavenly places are the good things which only our God can give.

Salvation is the gift of the spirit, power to do God's will and the hope of living forever with Christ.

God so loves us that even when we were yet in sin he decided to send Jesus to atone for our wickedness and sin.

Our loving father has made some mind - bending promises that at times It is difficult to calm.

He said, neither death nor life, nor angels,nor principalities can separate us from his love.

Paul being a benefactor of this overwhelming kindness could write in depth and exciting about the goodness of God to his people.

God has choose us before the foundation of the world that we should be his and enjoy his love and patronage.

Why would Jesus decide to visit Paul who had made himself an arch-enemy of his cause?

Today we have the choice to develop intimate relationship with Christ and then begin to enjoy these blessings from our father who does not discriminate.

Peter was a fisherman,God gave him the opportunity as he gave Paul the lawyer.

God used innocent Mary to bring his son unto the world. He also allowed Mary Magdalene,a repentant prostitute, to anoint Jesus in preparation for his death.

The same Mary saw him after his resurrection. Our God is gracious and freely gives us his love and salvation even when we don't deserve it.

Come to Jesus whole heartedly and enjoy these heavenly blessings.

Thank God for giving you the privilege to know and experience his love.

God bless you

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I am @erbeebassie.

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