STEEMCHURCH: more than dance it's about worship

Praise God in his sanctuary; Praise him in the magnificence of his firmament. Praise him for his prowess; Praise him according to his excellent greatness. Praise him to the horn; Praise him with psaltery and harp. Praise him with tambourine and dance; Praise him with strings and flutes. Praise him with ringing cymbals; Praise Him with cymbals of joy. Everything that breathes praises JAH. Hallelujah. Psalm 150.


What is dance or dance? It is the execution of movements accompanied with the body, arms and legs. The dance is possibly one of the first arts through which it communicates, and it is important to point out that it may be the most symbolic of the arts since, by basically dispensing with the word, the need for a good gesture transmission is accentuated. Because dance is movement. And a very special movement of the dancer, since it requires five fundamental elements, without which she would not exist; They are: Rhythm, Form, Space, Time, Energy.

In this way we can then define the dance as the displacement made in space by one or all parts of the dancer's body, designing a form, driven by its own energy, with a determined rhythm, during a time of greater or lesser duration. The predominant use of one or other of the elements of the movement is not always even. In some dances the rhythm predominates, in others the use of space. It is also important to emphasize that according to the character of it the use of one or the other element will be emphasized.

Personal dance characterizes it as a body language to tell God how much we love him is the channel through which we can manifest and make our love visible. and from that I want to talk to you because when you really love God there is more than dance there is a genuine adoration, an exaltation of heart, simple! a dance without the fire of the holy spirit has no life, it has no freedom, it is useless if we only do repetitive routines and we do not seek the presence of the father.
It is necessary that as ministers of the Lord and ambassadors of his kingdom we understand in this time, that rather than dance we try to give the best worship to God, it is nice to see a team of dancers praising God but more beautiful is a team rendered in the presence of the who is on the throne.

There have been times when one dance is left there prostrate to the Lord (Jehovah), because that is the best position of adoration, as a song says "THERE IS NO PLACE HIGHER, GREATER THAN TO BE AT YOUR FEET"



The essence of adoration is in the personal expression of love, dedication and obedience to God, and that, as beings created to be in community, we must understand and learn that whoever worships in spirit and in truth, will be an inspiration and motivation so that others do it in the same or better way.

The importance of worship is firmly established when the Bible tells us that God is looking for worshipers to do so in spirit and in truth.

"But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; because also the Father such worshipers seek to be worshiped. God is Spirit; and those who adore him, in spirit and truth, must worship. " John 4: 23-24 RVR1960

I believe that the greatest example of adoration in the best sense of the word is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Luke 4:16 shows us Jesus made man, leaving us the guide to be a good worshiper.


1 Peter 2: 9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, so that you may proclaim the virtues of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.




Now we have to do the work of the priest by not defamating our temples where the Holy Spirit resides. We have to continue to worship and offer our sacrifices every day; this time with the understanding of spirit and truth. Even as we dance, we can worship in spirit and truth with our dance movements and show how His Word becomes alive in us and how we continue to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It allows us to get closer to the Father so that as we dance under His direction.

I recommend that all dances from the smallest to the oldest learn the importance of worship and the way of worshiping in spirit and truth. Your dance ministry will be carried out in a positive way. You will begin to see danzoras who understand the heart of the Father through worship. This will help the danzoras connect to the Holy Spirit and understand who they are Dancing for.

Note: the images are from my audit. danzores from the area where I congregate. pertenesco to the dance ministry in my church, it has been the best gift to know God in each movement expression, that is why I share this topic with you. I hope this message has been a blessing. God keep you.


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