SteemChurch Telos Village/ The Light and the love of Christ is never extinguished!

Greetings to all the kind parishioners of the SteemChurch!

The subject of light and electricity is the news of the moment in Venezuela. For more than 72 consecutive hours the electrical system remained fallen. As I write, experts continue to work to ensure the total restoration of all circuits nationwide.


This has caused a lot of discomfort and also serious problems in the citizenship, especially in hospitals that do not have electricity generators.

The team with whom I worked, we had a hard work during these 4 days providing support and supplying water and electricity in different institutions that had emergency situations.


In a world so dependent on electrical energy, it soon collapses when it is missing.

Thank God the people of Venezuela maintained their calm and solidarity.

Great conflicts are solved easily by working as a team.

For long hours of night and day we supported with love to industries and hospitals that had emergency situations.


Although there is much discrepancy between the causes of the blackout, it is not very funny that there are ill-intentioned hands that play with the lives of a noble people, who just want peace!

While it is true that there is much darkness in the hearts of some humans, we in @steemchurch believe that a life can be radiant if the light of Jesus dwells in him or her.

Let us continue to expand love and the light of Jesus in the world with tangible facts and not just words. In no way can God be mocked.

Our Steemchurch Telos Village, offers a place of harmony, love, light and truth.

Thanks to @sirknight and all the parishioners who joined us in prayer for Venezuela.


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