Do not say goodbye to me! Tell me until later!

Dear community!

When SIR WILLIAM Russell, the English patriot, was to be executed in 1863, he took the watch out of his pocket and handed it to the attending physician at the time of his death.

Why do you want to leave me your watch? asked the doctor.

I do not need him anymore, now I'm going to deal with eternity, Russell replied.

What is the man who can live and not see death, or save himself from the power of the grave? PSALM 89:48

The Bible has much to say about the brevity of life and the need to prepare for eternity. Although most of us live as if it were indestructible, we need a new awareness of the fact that death is fast approaching all of us.

The Bible has many warnings about how we should prepare to find God. The rich man, with all his fortune, can not obtain the forgiveness of the sentence of death that hangs over all men. The poor man can not beg for a single extra day of life from the "Doña Muerte" that persecutes all men, from the cradle to the grave.

Says the Scripture: What is your life? You are a fog that appears for a short time and then vanishes. "(James 4:14)


It is not easy to lose a relative or a close friend, when that happens we are desolate we feel that something is missing inside us, we are sad to know that we no longer have that person on our side, that we no longer have the affection, the company of she and that anguish our soul and many times we believe that we will never be happy again because we no longer see that loved one.

Jesus taught that we should not fear death and that we should not be desperate with those who leave, because he promised resurrection and eternal life, only those who do not believe in eternal life become desperate and become sick with the losses of life.

It is inevitable that these things come to pass, it may be with your child, with your parents or with yourself, no one is free of that evil, because with sin came death, but through Jesus we receive eternal life and promise of the resurrection, always remember that one day you and your loved ones will be reunited to live eternally next to God in peace through faith in Jesus Christ.

I do not want, however, brothers, to be ignorant about those who are already asleep, so that you do not become sad, like others, who have no hope.
Because if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, so also those who sleep in Jesus, God will bring them back with him.
1 Thessalonians 4: 13-14

For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle is undone, we have from God a building, a house not made by hands, eternal, in the heavens.
And for that reason we also groan, wishing to be clothed in our room, which is from heaven;
If, however, while dressed, they are not naked.
2 Corinthians 5: 1-3

Remember, one day we will have to deliver the earthly clock like Sir Willian Russell when the needle of our heart's clock stops, to think of eternity now, is to think that we are borrowed here on earth and that we belong to God.

Recently, the heart of my wife @lorennys was beaten with pain by the amazing death of her Father, my words of condolences was to speak about the hope that those who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ have.


I ask the community to help me in prayer so that her heart may be consoled in Jesus.

Beautiful song of a Puerto Rican entitled: Do not say goodbye to me! Tell me until later!

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