The Fullness Of Time

Time is a constraint that every man is compelled to live within its strict boundaries, like the saying goes “time waits for no man”. In Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Solomon was giving his wisdom concerning time, for every time there is a purpose attached to it and the duration to which it should be executed is limited. God is the creator of all things and by him all things consists, he lives outside the boundaries of time (Rev 1:8, 1 Tim 1:7, Jeremiah 1:5), but in his infinite wisdom he allowed us to live within time, because man was created for God’s eternal purpose and for every purpose there is a time under the heavens.

So what was God’s idea of time?, and why did he bring it into existence?, bible records in Genesis 1:5&16 that he made light and called it day, and the darkness he called night, also making two great lights; the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. First of all, an established truth is that all God has and will do has being carried out in eternity (before time), bible says the lamb was slain before the foundations of the world (Rev 13:8) and in the beginning, he created the heavens and the earth, all this expresses the supremacy of God and that he is the Alpha and Omega. Some of the ideas I believe God had in mind are on this wise in this bible study:


God’s plans and purposes supersedes anything man can comprehend and as such, God in his mercy in order to enable us be partakers in his purpose encapsulated them into the confines of time, that whosoever is called by his name may likewise share in his purpose. The very first of which is the plan of SALVATION, in Romans 5:6, Paul speaking, made us understand that the death of our lord Jesus was not a mistake nor a spontaneous activity but was in due time, for God had preordained that purpose for that time. The idea of due time simply means that is the appropriate moment for that particular happening. Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3 made an accurate analogy concerning time, it is either one or the other, and it is either the time or not, either you are carrying out the will of God or you are not.



There is a lot that can be done within the boundary of time, but the tendency to be carried away by the wrong and irrelevant things is surely evident, hence God gave man to live within time in order for us to be purpose driven by his plan woven in time. Our lord Jesus spent about 33 years on earth driven by the very purpose of God. There happens to be activities all around us and this very well might not be the purpose of God. In Colossians 3:1-2, Paul speaking admonishes the Christian to seek the things that are according to God’s plan and placing a focus upon his purposes.


Fulfilment is a concept that happens within time. Jesus speaking said “the hour has come that the son of man shall be glorified”, God has made us to live on the earth that at every appointed time, there is something to be done in his name, Gal 4:4 says “But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his son made of a woman, under the law”, this leads us to the understanding that when the time came for Jesus to be manifested, it led to a fulfilment of the words of prophecy that have being long before his birth. Therefore time is for the fulfilling of purpose, not just any but for the fulfilling of God’s purpose.


God has made time available to man for the sole purpose of fulfilling his purpose, bible says in 2 peter 3:9, “that the lord is not slack concerning his promises, but his longsuffering to us not willing that anyone should perish, but that all will come to repentance”. This leads to understand that even the time we have now is an accommodation for every man on earth to be saved and redeemed.

Knowing this, let us esteem time in honor of the Father, for he has given it unto us that we may fulfil his purpose.

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