Keep the Fire Burning

1 Thessalonians 5:19 Do not quench the Spirit in you

When we encounter God anew, there is this strange hunger and burning desire for him, we yearn to know more about him, and we yearn to have more that desire. The fire keeps us on our knees day and night, praying and studying his word, however the fire start to diminish after a while, when left unchecked this fire gets quenched completely. So what happened then or what is happening?

Like every fire, it need constant fueling to keep flaming, if it does not get this constant supply it start diminishing until eventually everything goes off. It is the same for our spiritual lives as well, if you do not keep working on it day in day out, fueling your spirit to burn more the blaze will go down and off. “Do not burn out, keep yourselves ablaze and be alert as servants of the master.”


To achieve this it must be conscious effort. Keep thirsting for him for when your fire goes off the devil has you in his palm. It is my prayer for today that the good Lord strengthen you on this journey of Christianity even as you make conscious efforts to keep you fire burning. Have a blessed day.

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