Bounsd Said:

Neither Erudition, Purity Of Expression, Neither Personal Sympathy, nor Profound Mental, Nor Flowers Of Eloquence Can Replace The Lack Of Fire Of The Spirit. No Incense Without Flame Or Prayer Without Fire.

But often the prayer is neglected and we feel a disdain for it for some perhaps because it is not adorned with the jewels of intellectualism, nor the brilliant silks of philosophy nor the brilliant tiara of psychology. It Only Carries Two Essential Elements Humility And Sincerity There Is No Space For Exhibitionism.

Well, My Children How Our Prayer Life Goes. If we had to rate it from 1 to 5.

How much do we put on ??? From the Fall of the Man in the Garden The Human Being Has Become Impatient Everything wants it Fast, The Instant Things, Food Among Other Things ... For That Many Times The Bride and Groom Eat The Cake Before The Birthday.

The men and women of God, who triumphed in the bible, stood out for a life of fasting and prayer. Examples of these were Abraham, Moses, Elijah and Anna prophesies. But above all of them stands out our Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ: He gave us an example in everything.

The purpose of maintaining a life of prayer is to avoid temptations since we often fall easily before her because our prayer life if it is not null is almost nil. A Baptist pastor in the 19th century said:

Who does not pray at least one hour a day is a miser.

Our Master used to look for the Eternal in prayer at dawn.

Jesus left us an example that when we live a life of prayer our face reflects the presence of God demonstrating with our actions that he is first in everything (The First and the Last) as Psalms says:

Oh God, you are my God, with all my heart I seek you. My soul thirsts for you, my whole body longs for you. (NTV)

Prayer edifies our faith by moving God to do a miracle as Spurgeon said:

Prayer is the thin nerve that moves the muscle of God's mighty arm.

Prayer in the Spirit is powerful, makes us feel free, breaks the yokes that the enemy puts on the children of God. A neglected Christian in his life of prayer is easy prey to the adversary of our souls.

So, I ask you, how is your prayer life? , reminding them that in the Old Testament pages we find men and women of prayer. also in the new covenant but the ultimate model of a prayer lifestyle is the Most High who at night and early morning sought intimacy with his Father and was such an impact that even his disciples told him on a certain occasion to teach us to pray. Beloved Let us pray, pray without stopping no matter how many hours you do it, continue praying, praying as the song says the power of the Christian is in prayer.

Finally, he wants to share this thought:

When we go to God in prayer, the Devil knows that we are going to provide us with power against him and that is why he opposes us as much as he can. Sibbe.

I pray to the Blessed One to Bless you and motivate you to cultivate a life of Prayer.

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