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A world famous surgeon was being interviewed by a television reporter for a series on the advances being made in the medical profession. Coming to the last question, the reporter asked, “Tell me doctor, what is your greatest fear?”

After thinking for a moment, he replied, “That I may no longer feel the pains of my patients.”
For him, empathizing with his patients was a very essential tool if he was to help others. It moved him as he performed surgery on those in need of healing. Sympathy is meant to stir us to service, to help us see the needs of others and to move us into action. Without sympathy we would do little to help the least, the last and the lost.

Paul said, “Share each other’s troubles and problems.” Sympathy enables us to see the needs that others have and do something about them. It is the very foundation from which love and obedience to fulfill the commandments of Christ flow.
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In the church as established by Christ, people sorted for ways to share; selling their properties so that their next door neighbor can go to bed with food in his or her stomach but now greed and the desire to acquire all to ourselves has shut that voice of empathy. So many of us are waiting to see Jesus before we do the needful don’t forget the scripture said “what so ever you do to the least of your brethren that you've done unto ME”.


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In my church, a secondary boy fending for himself with no help from parents was preached to, gave his life to God and was welcomed into the body of Christ on Sunday. After worshiping in my church for some time, the boy ran into a pressing need; he was to enroll for West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) but all he was able to gather was just 7000 naira of 18000 he needed. He approached the brother that lead him to Christ and the brother told him to go meet the pastor for help of which he did.

The next day when the brother that converted him meant him and asked how he went with the pastor, he replied “the pastor told me to buy and sell groundnut with the 7000k since I don’t have the balance of the enrollment money”. My twin brother @heroic2 who attends the same church with me was pissed on hearing this but God being God somehow provided the balance and the young made As and Bs when the result was finally released. Some advised him to go testify in church and to also make sure he tells the whole church what the pastor told him but the young man decided to allow sleeping dog lye.

The cross itself stand for compassion and Jesus had compassion on the lame man, the leprous men, adulterous woman etc.

Even right there on the cross He still showed His compassionate nature by not only forgiving the thief but also guaranteed him a place in the kingdom despite the pain of the nails that went through his hands and feet. Some of us only show compassion when it suits us or when there is something to gain.

No Christian should ever feel that they are beyond the requirement of or excused from helping and praying for others. At all times and in all situations we are to be alert to the needs of others and respond to them as Jesus did.
Prayer: Lord, open our eyes that we might see the things that You saw and be moved by the things that moved You and then do as You did in love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


If what is needed to safe a soul is just 1 SBD, will you be compassionate enough to give it out? Like @sirknight and other notable Christian steemeans are giving to create a paradigm shift in the scheme of things or will you give the oldest excuse in the book “I don’t have” or “what I have will not be enough”. The body of Christ needs to go back to those days when “I” didn’t matter but “we” does.

Galatians 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ

Prayer: Lord, open our eyes that we might see the things that You saw and be moved by the things that moved You and then do as You did in love. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Thanks to @steemchurch @flaminghelpers and @sc-n @sirknight for their contributions in the Christian community in steemit.

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