Our Sure Way To Success


Success is something we all pursue in life. It is our ultimate desire to become successful in all of our endeavours. The more we grow old, the more strive to succeed in more areas of life . No matter the area we find ourselves, there is always this plan we have in us to attempt to succeed at a goal set for ourselves. In summary we all want to succeed. The common factor at the end is that even if we manage to achieve our goal, we will still want more success. Our want in this is insatiable . that is no matter how much we achieve ,we would still want more. It is like succeeding and still feeling as if you have failed because of what you discover you are yet to achieve after working so hard to get there. But there is a way that eliminates this feeling and brings the feeling of and achiever even if you fail to reach a goal. It is called spiritual success. This the relationship with our heavenly father. A good relationship with Him proves very successful and make depend beyond physical things replacing them with faith in the provision of God.


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
**Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) **


We have seen from stories in the bible of how much the love of God for his children brings them out of any tribulation or temptation they may face. This shows that His intentions for us is for good. But first we have to reciprocate his love by having a good relationship with him. The way to do this is first through studying his written words. When you continuously study the bible, you get better understanding of how God is and how the people in the past have had a good relationship with him. His way of life attracts his blessings which in turn leads to success. He knows we need success,that is why he said we should study his words and meditate on them and not let them depart from our mouth.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Joshua 1:8 (NIV)



The ways of men may seem right to us but end up being the wrong way. This is because life is constantly changing and no man know what the future holds. Only God our creator knows our tomorrow and is the best guide towards the best path to achieve success. So it is only logical to seek the ways of God and not the ways of men. We should seek advice from God through the bible, his spirit which is the holyspirit and through prayers of guidance. When we get instructions or revelations of how to carry out life's activities, we should be wise enough not to let the words and actions of men affect the way we carry it out. The end product is what matters not the present which may seem very unfruitful.

He sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear[a] of God. As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success.
** 2 Chronicles 26:5 (NIV)**



The success in your spiritual life should be seen in the actions of your physical life. The kind of actions you take will speak of positive minded you are since a close relationship with God brings about faith in him hence, assurance of success should be always there in the mind. Success is only possible when you act it through total commitment and diligent effort.

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