The Apostles Of The Steemchurch: Called To Serve

At the outset of Christ's ministry, He did not call people who were sitting idly. He called people who were busy with their secular works. The gospel record we have revealed that Andrew, Peter, James and John were fishing ' when the Lord decided to make them fishers of men. Also, He called Matthew from the tax collector's booth.

Paul enjoined the Christians in Corinth to stand firm and to always give themselves to the work of the Lord, having this assurance that their labour in the Lord would not be in vain.
Paul's admonition here suggests that Christians have been called to work.

George Duffield, the composer of the timeless hymn,'Stand up, stand up for Jesus' writes in the 3" stanza:

“Stand up! Stand up for Jesus, stand in His strength alone. The arm of flesh will fail you; you dare not trust your own. Put on the gospel armour, and watching unto prayer; Where calls the voice of duty be never wanting there".

The preacher says the whole duty of man is to fear God and keep His commandment. This entails work! It implies the need to serve God and one another: The parable of the talents shows us that the Lord hates laziness. We cannot afford to bury the gifts that we have been given. We must put it to effective use to glorify the Master for this is His desire.

Just Like The 12 Fabled Apostles Of Christ, The Apostles Of The Steemchurch Have Been Called To Serve The Lord And One Another.

@tremendospercy - The Valiant!
@gniksivart - The Just!
@tikhub - The Insightful!
@abiye - The Humble!
@prime-cleric - The Spiritual!
@jaff8 - The Pure!
@owoblow-steemit - The Righteous!
@darlenys01 - The Bold!

The Apostles are selected individuals from different walks of life who have distinguished themselves from others through hardwork and diligence to the Lord in promoting Christianity on the blockchain with a joyful spirit.

Eight Of The Twelve Apostles Have Been Found, the Search For The Apostles Continues.

Blessed Are The Apostles For They Have Been Called To Serve, and their Labor in Lord Will Not Be In Vain.

1st Corinthians Chapter 15 Verse 58

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.


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