It is your right to have dominion.

Jesus coming to the world was for the liberty of mankind from the dominion of darkness and the enthronement of the Believers as priests and kings here on earth.
The desire of God is that His people will live in freedom and have abundant life glowing with the joy of the Lord.
When a man comes to God through Jesus Christ, he gets regenerated and receives the life and nature of God as a result he becomes a son of God.

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This singular act changes the status of the believer and makes him a partaker of divine nature. An understanding of what has happened to the believer at conversion and the resultant effect will make the believer to live a vibrant, prosperous, healthy and productive life to the glory of God.

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Ignorance makes a son to live like a slave in his father's house. Ignorance strips a man of his rights and privileges and reduces him to a nobody will he ought to be honoured and celebrated.

Ignorance makes a man to feel inferior. Ignorance of the believer in Christ has made many christians to be demon-conscious, demon-scared and worldly minded. It has made many christians not to be proud of their identity as christians.

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You can only know who you are in Jesus Christ and reign as a king if you study, meditate on His Will and fellowship with Him.
Will you fellowship with God today?.

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