Architects of the future (Steemchurch)

Proverbs 3: 5-6

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And do not rely on your own prudence.

6 Acknowledge him in all your ways,
And he will straighten your paths.

It is indisputable that each of us are architects of our own future, that is, we are the ones who decide what we want for ourselves within a few weeks, months or years.
God has endowed each of us with a free will, in a few words you have a free decision just as Adam and Eve had one day, you also have the decision to do the right thing for your life or do the wrong thing.
Many times we make decisions without realizing that these will affect our future, whether for good or for bad, but what I can assure you is that you are the one who dictates how you want to live the future, God gives you the opportunity to take it into account before taking a step, but after all it is we who decide to follow the will of God or let ourselves be carried by our will, from there we can observe the results we will obtain in our life.


Free will is in a few words: "Freedom to Act or Freedom of Choice", each of us has been endowed with freedom of choice, God is so beautiful that he has given us the responsibility to decide what we want to do our life. Unfortunately, man has never been able to guide himself without making mistakes, while man does not take into account God will always make great mistakes that often cost him part of his earthly and sometimes even spiritual happiness.
The spiritual realities are very different from the human ones, that is, God sees what is best for us and he wants to persuade us to walk where it will be better to walk. But the man and his "carnal" human bony view, many times sees the easiest ways and decides to walk through it, without realizing that it is the wrong way. The worst of all is that the man realizes that it is the wrong way when he is in trouble and does not find how to get out.

Who said that the transcendental decisions of life are easy ?, the truth is that most are not so easy, that's why to see great results in our decisions we have to take into account the following steps:

  1. Be friends of God, in a few words maintain a communion with God so that we can be audible to his voice and let us guide us on the right path, pray, seek God, read his Word, learn more from Him, get involved in Communion with Him. The better you maintain your communion with the Lord, the better results you will see in your decisions.
  2. Be humble and listen to advice, although many times we think we are right, there is no better thing than being humble and knowing how to listen to the advice of the people that surround us and that love us, never despise advice, no matter who gives it to you from. Remember that what you have to do is, "Keep the good and Discard the bad".
  3. Having responsibility when making decisions, it is not time for you to keep making decisions lightly, much less pressured, it is time to understand that every transcendental decision in my life will be a field working to shape the future what I want for myself
  4. Do not let yourself be carried away by appearances: There is a secular saying that looks deceive, do not let yourself be carried along the path that seems most beautiful, but let yourself be carried by where the Spirit of God wants to guide you and be sure that you do not fail


The best way to forge a beautiful future is to walk with Jesus by the hand, in this way you will understand the responsibility that comes with making good decisions in order to have a beautiful future, without regrets, crying and bad memories, but rather, full of God's blessing.



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