The Good God !!!

Hi Brothers and Sisters of steemchurch! Peace.

The nature of God is reflected from the beginning again and again in what he has created, and he enjoys it.

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God is full of company, enjoy color, beauty, wonder, life itself and much more. He created us! Why? Why do we want to have children? Because naturally we follow the impulse of love and God created us in that way. He is like that. The nature of God is shown from the beginning to what he created; Can not it be a different way.

"And God saw everything he had done and saw, it was very good." (Genesis 1:31)

His idea of ​​"good" is more than an abstract spiritual principle. We recognize this in the material world. God does not cling to the abstract, he is pragmatic. He is the god of land and sea, animals, trees and birds, fish and humans.

"We are his people!" (Psalm 100: 3) He created everything, he created us and was very happy about it. "Because God so loved the world ..." (John 3:16) He formed this beautiful balloon and shouted : "All right! All right! Good! "- 7 times in the first chapter of the book of Moses, enthusiastically applauded and" the morning stars sang with joy "(Job 38: 7).

All creation is designed for a good result. Ultimately, evil leads to a losing battle against him: "All things work for good". (Romans 8:28) God is good.

If things are not good, we ask: "Why?" Such questioning is natural. God gave us that in the cradle. We hate evil because God hates it. God put this "why" in our soul. Even Jesus cried in complete agony on the cross: "Why?" The god of true faith is a good god. This is the god of the Bible. She gave us this opinion. The Gentiles had no idea of ​​the greatness of God's goodness.

"God said: I should ... and it happened." Creation was the first and the greatest of miracles. If God could mold the Himalayas and the Alps with his hand and dig the depths of the oceans with his finger and cover the poles with miles of ice, how can there be a problem for God to heal deaf ears and blind eyes? Are miracles possible? What question! How nebulous can we be? In fact, doubt obscures our thinking. It is absurd to say that miracles can not happen. To be sure, we would need to know about everything, including God. Nobody has such knowledge. You can be sure that God's love is there for you.


Because the Lord is good to us, his love never stops, from one generation to the next he remains faithful. (Psalm 100: 5)

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