The fear of the Lord: The key to a treasure

Grettings and Blessings Brothers!

He will be the firm foundation in the times to which you belong, a great wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to that treasure. Isaiah 33: 6

The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the key to open a treasure with three principles:

Salvation, Wisdom and Knowledge.


First, let's understand what key is that. The word fear does not mean only fear or fear. It also means respect and reverence. The fear of the Lord would not be the fear of being a bad father or something like that.

But it would be a "fear" translated in respect, because He is a merciful and kind God, however that does not obfuscate his justice. First of all, God is just. (God is a righteous judge, Psalm 7: 11a).

Now let's see how this key, which is the fear of the Lord, leads us to have access to the wealth that God has given us.

"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who does not perish but has eternal life." John 3:16 "

The love of God is the foundation and the reason why we received salvation. And how to own it? [...] everything that BELIEVES does not perish, but has eternal life. Faith and fear go together, well, how can I believe in something for which I have no respect, or credit any value? I need faith and fear for the Lord to have salvation.

If any of you lacks wisdom, ask God, who gives freely to all, of good will; and it will be granted. Ask him, however, with faith, without hesitation, because the doubter is similar to the wave of the sea, carried and stirred by the wind. James 1: 5-6

It is prudent, that seeks the wisdom of heaven, the wisest of all. (Instruct the wise man, and he will become even wiser.) Proverbs 9: 9a) However, to obtain that wisdom it is necessary: ​​[...] Ask Him, however, with Faith ... Faith and reverence; Well, how can I ask someone for wisdom if I do not reverence him for that, or believe that he possesses it?

I need to believe that the Lord has all the wisdom and reverence Him for it.

If you are looking for wisdom as if you are looking for silver and looking for it as one who searches for a hidden treasure, then you will understand what it is to fear the Lord and find the knowledge of God. Because the Lord is the one who gives wisdom; Knowledge and discernment come from his mouth. Proverbs 2: 4-6 For
they fear the Lord is to hate evil. Proverbs 8: 13a
He will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

Wisdom and knowledge go hand in hand. As you seek wisdom, the Lord will make you know more about Him by your Word, consequently, fear will be generated in you for Him, and then stop the knowledge.
Beloved, fear for the Lord and you will be rewarded with various gifts from God.

God bless you!

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