Organize the time to pray?

We all need our time with God. It is a vital need, indispensable and can not be postponed. When we pray the Our Father, do not say "the bread of ours this week give me today," because prayer should be the maintenance of each day, it is "our daily bread". Therefore, it must be lived daily.


Therefore, we need a daily time, right? (imagine you answering: true, beauty!) But how to define that time? What time of day do I stop living and personal prayer and my study of the Word?

The first thing is to stop saying mentally or verbally: "I am without time". If God invented a day with 24 hours, it is because he gives himself to do everything, even be with him in the 24 hours, dedicating moments of that day for deep and personal encounters.

DO YOU HAVE TIME! And He is there hiding where you most accomplish superfluous or unnecessary things for your today.

Organizing the time

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Put on paper everything you do for 24 hours (including time on your mobile). Stop scratching that you do not need to bring back in the day, and you will see that there is much more space to God than you think.

Defining your daily prayer schedule is an important decision and one that will shape your routine - having seen the available spaces of your day, define your prayer schedule. Some dedicate the moments - prayer and study - in separate ways, if that is their reality, stay tuned.
When you set your schedule, your brain will take time to accept the chosen time, as a definitive part of your day to day life.

At the beginning, it will be difficult to pray every day at the same time. There are weeks when you will stop, but the lack of "habit" can generate "blockages" and in those moments we must beg for doubled doses of the Grace of God and the presence of the Spirit, so that they are not overcome by the rhythmic discomfort of our brain.

Your brain is going to need your perseverance, OK?

Oh, do not change the schedule in the first weeks it does not work. Wait. Try. Spend a moment at that moment and analyze their behavior. The ideal moment is that in which I give everything to God, observe his dedication.

Choose the time of day when you are full of gas. The morning of the first fruits is our ideal, which in accordance arranged, filled. There are cases and cases in which praying in the morning is not possible, but, if you have conditions, change the mattress for the chair; the cell phone in bed for the Bible on the table and (action) prayer!

It is also important to analyze the above your prayer time - if you have any activity before your time, consider if it is something that you steal patience and concentration. It is not enough to get to the prayer "a pile of nerves", because we end up discounting everything in God.

Father help us to give the best of our time for You.

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