Controlling carnal desires!

A big greeting to you, my friends and brothers, I feel that I should be sorry for my absence but the internet where I live is terrible.

Today I communicate a topic of interest, I appreciate your attention.

Many arguments, lack of understanding and contentions between the couple are sometimes attributed to the devil, but they are nothing more than works of the flesh. It is important to understand that not everything that goes wrong in your life, is directly linked to an evil spirit.

When the Bible talks about keeping the flesh under the control of the spirit, people think that this refers only to keeping sexual desires under control. Well, of course you should keep your body in the grip in this area. But, on the other hand, did you already notice that the Bible cites the works of the flesh of the old human nature? What many call "the works of the devil" that the Bible calls "works of the flesh", which is described in Galatians 5,19-21.


In Ephesians 4: 25-32, Paul quotes some of the actions of the "old man of the flesh": lying, stealing, bad conversations, bitterness, envy, hatred, shouting, insults and all malice. Some of the actions of the new man in Christ are also described: benign, compassionate and tolerant. The Word of God teaches us how to face the carnal nature: In the sense that, as for the past (lifestyle), get rid of the old man, which is flawed according to the deceptive desires, and be renewed in the spirit of his understanding (mind), and clothed with the new man, who was created according to God in righteousness and holiness of truth (Eph 422-24). Stripping means putting aside; leave, leave

Who should undress from the nature of the old man, from the works of the flesh? Say I". God will not deprive him of the "old man." It is us, that we have to release the nature of the old man with his envy, bitterness, anger, screaming and swearing. You will not be dealing with evil spirits when you deviate from those evil tendencies; you are just dealing with your meat.

Many believers try to take the easy way. They call their carnal tendencies: "A demon" or "an evil spirit". In this way, it is not necessary to assume any responsibility. They can throw the blame for everything on satan. But the Bible, only calls these malignant tendencies of carnal nature of man. And the believer has to do something about it. The only way to dress the new man is to renew his mind with the Word of God. Getting rid of the old man and dressing the new man is part of his "rational cult."

You have to maintain these evil tendencies and attitudes under the control of your spirit, of the inner man, and let the new creature in Christ dominate you. When you revert from Christ, you can walk in the Spirit, and not in the flesh. In the flesh, you are an easy prey for the devil. If you did not have to deal with your flesh and your carnal nature, you would not be human. But while he is in the body, he will have his carnal nature to fight.


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