Temple Thoughts The Hidden Good

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

I’ve many times found myself wrestling with the scripture above, when nasty and unpleasant things happen. Sometimes, after some disappointing event, I wonder, what good can come from this? Mind you, I’ve had a fair share of valley experiences. What good can come from hate, thrown at you by folks you truly love? What good can issue forth from betrayal? But remember, it was hate that caused the brothers of Joseph to sell him into slavery. What good was there in the temptation of Potiphar’s wife and unjust imprisonment? But then, the addition of many negatives led him to the palace, and the hidden good became obvious.

In the journey towards purpose, negatives are bound to happen, you will meet different kinds of people. Some will outrightly hate, some will pretend, some will sell you rejection and some will show you love. Believe me, all are important because you will never become who you are supposed to be, without your own medley of experiences.

Looking back, I am grateful for all of them. The fat times and the lean, the seasons of applause and sneering faces. I’m very grateful, for all the things, events and men used by God to teach me eternal things that I otherwise would not have known. Today is better than yesterday, because of them all.
If you can wait, you will definitely see, the hidden good.

On my honor as a Christian, I hereby testify that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Until we attain the full stature of Christ.

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