¡Alert! Venezuela needs you ***"CHURCH OF CHRIST"***


In this year 2019, thinking primarily of the spiritual need of our Venezuelan People, The Apostolic Church El Cordero Dios, will promote changes in its Internal Policies Structure, in order to constitute us as a body entirely prepared for the Work of Christ today. Taking into account that when we cross deserts we must create new identities that have to do with the events of the moment. In this sense, the church has the faculty to produce changes of adaptation in the role that we must fulfill from now on.

For this reason, we make an important CALL to our Christian brothers of the Community @steemchurch, @cs-v, @cs-g, @cs-n and in general, to the Church of Christ united, Holy and Perfect in Works, to that we remain on our knees before the Heavenly Father because of the vulnerable situation that crosses the country, we have become precursors and promoters of a new time of spiritual revival and social support.

It is not the same to hear comments or watch television about our situation, to live it daily. I believe, we are prepared for the transformation movements in the order that merits the case, but everyone who wants to contribute, we only ask for prayers and words of comforting encouragement. From my Church, which I worthily represent in the midst of this circumstance, we repudiate any discouragement, negativity and bad news.
Our message, our verb about it, must be founded on positivism. So far the God of Heaven has not departed from us, that is why I conclude, that our changes must be and will be radical for this year 2019, in our way of thinking, acting and executing.



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