Donald Trump Leaves Iranian Deal, Iran Vows Firm Reaction

Despite concessions from European Allies, Washington removes itself from the Iranian Nuclear Deal signed under President Barack Obama in 2015.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has warned of “historic remorse” if the deal were to dissolve.

There is a possibility the deal survives without U.S. cooperation if Tehran’s interests are met but recently Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated Iran would “most likely” leave the deal if Washington did.

What does this all mean?

This may lead to an end of Iran’s Non-proliferation treaty and then further progress Iran towards acquiring nuclear weapons.

In Europe, this creates tension between America and its allies as “harsh” sanctions are imposed making it difficult for anyone to trade with Iran.

Additionally, Trump’s reversal of the Iran deal combined with the recent tariffs imposed on China are sure to be fresh in the mind of North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un as he and President Trump are set to negotiate in person later this month.

Back to the middle east.

The world is coming up a very fateful time revolving around Israel’s 70th anniversary.

In less than a week’s time Hamas plans its largest demonstration yet on the Gaza-Israel border. So far more than 1,700 protestors have been injured and roughly 40 killed by Israeli troops defending their territory.

This march is planned for the same day the U.S. embassy moves to Jerusalem, another bold campaign promise Trump has followed through on.

Where is this leading?
No one knows for sure but we can make an educated guess.
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