Decision making


Double minded and indecisive people are always miserable; they certainly don't enjoy peace with God. Nothing is worse than to be between two mind and decisions and not making either one of them. Being indecisive are one of the tools devil attack us with. He does anything that steals our peace because he knows that without peace, we are without power. We often don't make decision because we don't want to make mistakes. But making no decisions is still a decision and a mistake. Decide to decide! It will produce peace in your life, as long you don't second-guess yourself and fall back into being indecisive once again.

Stick with your decisions unless unless you are differently shown that they are wrong. Sometimes we find out whether a decision is right or wrong only by making it and seeing what happens. Making a wrong decision is not the end of the world, in most cases, and it is usually better than making no decisions.

Some people do nothing most in their lives because they are afraid to commit to action. I hope you are not one of those people but if you are I want to help you. Please realise you need to start somewhere. Begin with smaller things, and work your way to the major decisions. Thus will help you to be firm and learn.

Take total responsibility for your decision and if it turns out bad see it as a lesson at list you have learnt rather than not making any at all. Learn from your mistakes and learn not to make the same mistake over and over again.

If your decision turn of the best don't be proud about it and see yourself as the beat in making decisions. See it as a lesson too and know it's the right part to follow.


In life we learn every day, both as we make the wrong move and also the right moves too. But then when we fall as a result of our wrong decisions, we don't stay on the ground and give all glory to satan as a result of our wrong decisions but we stand up and make another good move and return all glory to God. It is very difficult to make the wrong move for the second time if we truly examine our first move except we give in to greed. And greed if the beginning of destruction.

Let's make the right move today and give all glory to God.
God bless you all.

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