What is sin? Sin is what we do that is against the will of God. It is the action that will take that draws us away from God. The first man and woman committed a grievous sin to God by disobeying God,thereby chasing them out from the garden of Eden. In other words,when we sin,our lives becomes a waste and useless. God is never a friend to sinner but He loves them,that is why He is calling them to repentance and make them go away from their sinful ways into His own marvelous salvation.

After the sin of Adam and Eve,God showed mercy on His creation and send His only begotten Son to come and cleanse us from our sins.
John 3:16,
"For God so loved the world,that he gave his only begotten Son,that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,but have everlasting life."
God doesn't want His people to perish but wants everybody to benefit from His heavenly kingdom, He then send somebody to come and die for us which is Jesus Christ.

Jesus has come into the world to make everyone repent of his/her sin. Devil is the father of all sins and he wants people to be like him,so he puts sin into their lives to turn away from God and buy their souls to himself. The prayers of a sinner cannot be answered so you need to repent and ask for forgiveness before your prayer can be answered.
Sin has penalty and whosoever that sins,he/she will receive the reward. I will be listing the penalties of sin here;

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  • Death (Romans 6:23)
    "For the wages of sin is death;but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord"
    You may not die physically but anyone that commits sin will die spiritually and once the person dies,he will head to his destination. Judgement comes once a person closes his eyes in death. So even though you die here on earth, you will still die when you get to heaven

  • Seperation from God (Isaiah 59:1-2)
    "Behold,the LORD's hand is not shortened,that it cannot save;neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you,that he will not hear. "

When a person is always praying to God, calling Him to come and save him but it seems he is only praying in vain,the person should check his/her life,there may be sin in his life because darkness and light cannot be together. When you sin, you are in total darkness and the Bible made us to know that God is holy and if you must worship Him,you must do it in spirit and in truth. You cannot be in sin and tell God to come and do your wish since you are not following Him. Sin brings total separation from God.

  • Good things are far away from you(Jeremiah 5:25)
    " Your iniquities have turned away these things,and your sins have withholden good things from you"
    We are made to know here that sin can make us lose all good things coming to us. As a sinner,if any good thing is coming to you,it is from the devil and things from him doesn't last.

Things to do to stay away from sin
For you to go away from sin,it only takes these simple steps and you are on Your way to enjoying God's blessing.

  • Flee from sin

  • Unite and stay connected to God

  • Always ask for forgiveness

  • Maintain a good relationship with God

  • Ready and study your Bible for more clarification on God's blessing

  • Do not go back to your vomit again

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