STEEMCHURCH Biblical passage on the virtuous woman

Proverbs 31: 10

10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.


You must be sure that you do not have to be a martyr to be a Proverbs 31 woman; you just have the will and patience to learn, and be willing to try, fail, and try again. Proverbs 31:10 says: A virtuous woman, and she does not say, perfect woman. God knows that in this world no one can be perfect, but even in our imperfections, we can ask the holy spirit to shine in us and that by his power we can exercise and strengthen many virtues.


Father, help us to be women, wives, mothers, housewives ... in short, women according to your heart.

Thank you, Father, for the reward that awaits us if we are virtuous women. And the real reward for our fidelity on earth will be that You will be pleased. That we will have something to offer you ... something of value ... something worthy ... lives dedicated to your service .

Help us, Lord, to offer ourselves to you as a living sacrifice so that when we are before you on the final day, we can hear you saying: "You did well, good and faithful servant. Come share the happiness of your Lord. "Thank you, Father. In the name of Jesus.


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