images(1).jpgPeople do travel from time to time, be it for work, trips, holidays, shopping etc. In every journey, there is always a starting point, a journey period and an end point. Life itself is a journey and it also has a start, a journey period and an end point. When will you reach your end point? It is a sad truth but many people who are alive today will not live till tomorrow. It doesn‘t matter whether they are young or healthy! No one can predict exactly what will happen in the next minute. The journey of man is in two ways, that is, from earth to hell or from earth to heaven.
Dearly beloved, the only journey without regret is the journey with Jesus all the way, i.e. to accept Jesus into your life. The bible says that “Now is the acceptable day and now is the day of salvation” (2Cor.6vs2).
There is therefore no time to waste in accepting God. Choose God today! Where will your end point be? The bible says that “it is appointed unto man once to die and after that judgement (Heb. 9 vs 27). You will either end up in heaven or Hell. The choice is yours today! images.jpg
You can escape the wrath of the judgement of God if only you will accept Jesus Christ now as your personal Lord and Saviour. These Bible passages confirm that (John 3: 16, 3:36, l4:1-3, Rom.10:13). Pray to God now, tell Him you know you are a sinner and you need His help (Rom. 3:23). Confess your sins to Him now and promise not to go back to them again (Prov. 28:13). Confess. tell God you accept Jesus now as your personal Lord and Saviour (Rom. 10:8-10). If you have done this faithfully and sincerely I say to you, "welcome to the family of God".

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