There are various things which should be thought about when reading the Bible.

  • Pray
    It is essential to ask God's favor in the process of reading. It is his book and he can enable us to comprehend it.

  • Be comfortable
    To legitimately focus on the Bible, you should discover an agreeable, calm place in which to peruse. Endeavor to maintain a strategic distance from places where there is a considerable measure of foundation clamor from the TV or other individuals talking.
    In the Bible, God talks to us. It merits listening precisely.

  • Permit time
    Bible reading is best when you are not rushed. Set aside 20– 30 minutes every day to peruse the section and thinkabout what it implies. It likewise requires investment to get comfortable with the Bible message and the foundation in which it is set. Be tolerant and after some time it will all begin to fit together like an excellent jigsaw.


  • Be open to new thoughts
    If we are to pick up as much as we can from Bible reading, we have to approach it with the correct dispositions.
    We require a receptiveness to new thoughts. If we approach all thoughts with a "defense attitude"— believing that our fundamental work is to safeguard the walls that make up the stronghold of christianity—we have little space for development.

The Bible is a book of quality that has withstood all sorts of assaults amid its history. As in every single other region of study, researchers expand upon and re-assess crafted by prior researchers. We require no fear looking at new thoughts and
assessing them precisely in the light of the considerable number of lessons of the Bible.

  • Consider it
    To effectively comprehend the message of the Bible, we must invest energy pondering it deliberately. So essential sorts of assaults amid its history. As in every single other region of study, researchers expand upon and re-assess crafted by prior researchers.
    God told Joshua;

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth;meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Joshua 1:8

  • Make inquiries
    You will unavoidably have inquiries concerning what you read.Record them, you may find the appropriate responses through additionally reading. Or on the other hand you can take your inquiries to a more experienced Bible reader to check whether he or she can help.

  • Offer your thoughts
    We require a state of mind of ability to mull over what we are learning and to thoroughly consider for ourselves how our learning can and ought to be connected in our own lives.
    To do this, it is typically useful to share our thoughts and elucidations with other Bible understudies for discourse and assessment. We can gain from each other.images(2).jpg


Bible reading is attempting work. It is likewise energizing and groundbreaking.
Investigation of the Bible can improve us as no other examination can. You will encounter another vitality as you figure out how to make your own particular judgements in view of firm standards, and the Bible will turn out to be more alive and intense in your life.

Keep in mind, you are expected to comprehend the bible and to encounter God in its pages

That brings us the question how can we be saved!
This is the most important question one can ask. The response is, "Believe in the Lord Jesus"
To believe in the Lord Jesus means more than believing certain truths about Him in your mind or intellect. It is an active faith by which people recognize and accept Jesus both Saviour and Lord-the Forgiver of their sins and Leader of their lives. True Biblical belief and saving faith involve acknowledging who Christ is-the Son of God sent by the Father-and that all He said is true, meaningful to life and accepted as the final authority for living. Saving faith accepts what Jesus has done to provide forgiveness for one's offenses against God, and then surrenders and yields the leadership of one's life to Christ, Aloso studying the bible regularly and deeply!!


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