How Close Are You To God?

God loves us? "Yes, He loves us, He wants our company, He gave His best in His only begotten Son, to redeem what Adam gave up in the Garden, He did it in search of intimacy.

Intimacy never involves only one person. As the old adage says: "It takes two to dance tango." God has made a great effort to dance with humanity. From the time he walked with Adam in Eden to today, His desire has not diminished, nor changed.

So passionate was His desire after Adam and Eve sinned, that He worked intensely through time to return mankind to a place of intimate communion. He gave us the supreme Gift to be able to walk with us in the garden of our lives

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

From the Garden, the Lord called Adam. Today, He is saying our names, waiting to share His heart with us, waiting to hear the expressions of our hearts.


Now that we understand God's desires for intimacy better, let's consider what it entails. What does it mean? Is it difficult to achieve? I will argue that it is not a difficult enterprise. All it requires is our incessant search for a growing and lasting relationship with God.

The greatest obstacle to communication with God is our perception of who He is. Basing our perception of God's character in the actions or ungodly attitudes of others will distort our understanding of His nature. Often, circumstances in our lives prevent us from approaching Him. But David says in

Psalm 27:10

"Even if my mother and father left me, yet the Lord will gather me."

In other words, no matter who abandons us, betrays us, or wounds us, the Lord is ready, willing and ready to embrace us.

God says through all His Word that He is our strong castle, our refuge, our hiding place - to mention only a few. He is our security, although most of the time we tend to find security in our position, our wealth, and even in our friends and family. Somehow, we think that if we communicate with God, we will lose our security. In fact, the opposite occurs. We know God, and He incorporates all areas of our lives, improving each one with His presence, power, and transformation - sitting in a safe place in Him.


So, how do we do this? We go to God and cling to Him with the knowledge that we are doing what we were created for, and He will not reject us

Luke 11:9-10
“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

God tells us that He never parted with anyone > > Job 34:19
who shows no partiality to princes and does not favor the rich over the poor, for they are all the work of his hands?

He provided for all of us to live abundantly in His presence.

You can not be intimate with someone if you do not spend time with that person. Intimacy develops as a result of lots of contact with someone for a period of time. Confidence is created, security grows, and hearts change, coming to love each other. Have you ever thought about the fact that He is waiting for you right now? What an extraordinary thought! The Creator of everything that exists and is yet to exist is waiting to talk to you and me ready to welcome you and i with open arms, take that bold step to be closer to God today!!

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